Anywhere you want to go in Texas is a long ways from where you're at. A friend we met in Tucson told me that when he drove from El Paso (his home) to Chicago, he knew he was about half way there when he got to Dallas. Think about that. Anyway, on the way down to Big Bend, we spent quite a few hours on the highway, passing trucks loaded with wind mill blades. When this truck pulled into a rest stop behind us, we talked with the trucker and found that these were the "small blades", only capable of generating 1 Megawatt. Next week, he said, they'd be hauling the big ones...

We turned south from I-10 and stopped at Balmorhea State Park for two days. Didn't see any turkeys, though they evidently cross the road here when they're around.

The swimming pool at Balmorhea is built over a warm springs that produces millions of gallons of water each day, all measuring about 75 degrees. The pool here covers several acres, hosting catfish, turtles and ducks and scuba divers - it's 25 feet deep in places. Little tetras and pup fish would nibble at our toes if we stayed in one place too long. The days were in the 80s while we were there, so we enjoyed swimming in the waters.

This is one Texas sized pool!