At night, in the wet forest where the ferns grow and the full firs stand tall, we hear elk bugling, calling to each other as they bed down. Wolves howl in reply. Joanie hit it on the head one night as we looked into the fire. This has been a Jupiter summer. Ever since we first saw Jupiter in the eastern sky in May, it's dominated the night sky, slowly working it's way west. Before summer ends in Yellowstone, we get a beach day on the lake. Different from Jackson Lake, this portion of Yellowstone has a black sand beach. While wading in the lake I find an Obsidian flake about 2 inches long. We swim again, very briefly, in Yellowstone Lake. Joanie finds yellow pond lilies in a small lake on the continental divide. When viewing the geysers, I'm struck by the balance they represent between the four elemental forces of fire, water, rock and air. Now, what are the odds that we'll get assigned a camp spot in Yellowstone next to the guy with the nosiest generator in camp? And that both batteries are dead? That he'll pull them out, take them to get them charged and run his generator all day to keep his fridge cold. Stranger things have happened but I guess the odds of this one are pretty good because it happened to us. And this is the guy who introduced himself with the words "We're good neighbors." As far as I know he never did get his battery problem fixed. Our compromise was that I'd charge his system for him when we ran our generator.

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