When we pulled in to a great little resort (Sun Meadow) on the south end of Coeur D'Alene (CDA) lake, I had a feeling we were in the right place when I saw this sign - their way of saying, gently, "Look after your kids!". We were there after peak season so we darn near had it to ourselves. Pool, hot tub, even an indoor heated pool. Joan picked up a CD and saw that one of the artists was married to someone she knew from Boulder. And Rob Quist's band (who we saw in Kalispell) was on the CD as well. His song explains why the Bad Medicine area at Bull Lake is so named. We camped there on the way down from Glacier. Way back, one winter, a band of Kootenai Indians was trapped there by an earth quake. Many people died. Turns out that Rob played at the resort owner's wedding ... Small world. We spent one week here relaxing.

There's a great paved bike trail that follows an old railroad grade across the Idaho Pan Handle. It's the Coeur D'Alene Trail. We rode a section of it that crossed the south end of the lake on an old rail road bridge. Further down the trail a preying mantis attacked Joanie (well, not really!). Finally, I noticed that we were not out of bear country just yet - the trail was lined with ripe berries and apple trees. I observed several piles of bear scat chock full of berry seeds. On our return trip in the afternoon, I observed more piles than on the way out. Not a trail I'd like to ride at dusk!
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