Sunday, November 9, 2008

We're back on the air!

So ...
On Flathead Lake south of Kalispell, the hard drive on my brand new Dell laptop (!@#$%^*!) failed. No warning. No impact. It just quit working. Since this drive had the only full res copies of our trip pictures this really upset Joanie. After doing the logical things I tried a few of the far out suggestions I received (put it in the freezer was the one I like best!), all to no avail. Two local shops in different towns couldn't resurrect it either. Finally, I sent it to Kroll On Track. These guys reconstructed the drive in their clean room, sent me a listing of what they could recover, then were flexible enough to negotiate a substantial discount. I ended up paying about $2 per full res picture. They sent me the recovered data on DVD. I'm now a believer in regular laptop backups. Time now to catch for all those missing blog entries! You'll find new entries starting in late August with Legend Rock.


Sage BrightHeart said...

Back ups rock!! So sorry to hear of the crash - I've had several over the last few years, and am getting really tweeky about backing up. Gary and I just duplicated our hard drive photos/music on all three machines (2 desktops and 1 laptops).

We're eager to hit the road ourselves in December - heading to SF by train.

Fall is late in arriving to the Front Range this year - still no snow here in the foothills. But it's coming (so they keep saying).

Love you guys.
Kate & Gary

Sage BrightHeart said...

Belated one week later Happy Birthday to Dave!! I'm sure you had a wonderful time.

I inherited the anthurium when Alison moved to Kansas, and it's doing really well - considering what a tropical plant it is, I'm impressed!!

We're doing well and super excited about our train trip to SF and back at the end of the yar.

Look forward to more stories from the road!!

Hi Joanie.