Joan and I were very fortunate to spend Christmas with my sister Katie, her family and good friends in Scottsdale, AZ. On Christmas Eve, after dinner, their tradition is to construct awesome ginger bread houses. Competition is intense. I understand that the judges can't be bribed. I wisely chose to not compete. My niece Rebecca (in green) did convince her friend to compete and he did a much better job than I would have the first time out of the chute.

Christmas day featured the usual frenzy of unwrapping gifts. Here Joanie managed to get all the kids together, from left to right: Gaelyn Rebecca, Erinn, Parker and Jessica. Gaelyn is the daughter of Katie's good friend Lois.

Jessica's two pugs were specially groomed for Christmas. That's Bruce on the left and Buttercup on the right.

Katie's husband John and Parker take their ping pong seriously!

It was kinda tough getting the fifth wheel backed down the drive way behind the gates. We pruned two trees on the way in, then, with John's expert spotting assistance, we managed to tuck it in. It sure was easier to pull it out when we left!
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