Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bandelier National Monument

While staying with Doug and Rona, we hauled the 5th wheel up to Bandelier
National Monument and camped there for several days. Doug was our tour guide. Unfortunately, Rona had other commitments and couldn't join us. Bandelier is the site of several ancient ruins. There's a pueblo in the valley, and, most interesting, several ruins along the canyon walls.
The canyon walls are very soft rock. The ancient ones utilized natural caves, in addition to some they excavated. Houses and other structures were then built in front of and attached to these caves. Joanie is pictured inside one of the caves.

We also came across some exotic, though all to common, plant species. By the way, it's rather hard to find a spot in the Bandelier campground for a 27 ft. 5th wheel ...

San Antonio Hot Springs is not too far from Bandelier, so we day tripped there. We rode our bikes about 5 miles into the springs, crossed a swollen stream and then enjoyed the spring's great hot water.

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