Saturday, October 18, 2008

Bullard's Beach at Bandon

Oregon grows all sorts of mushrooms. This one in particular caught Joanie's attention. It's the Amanita muscaria, commonly known as the fly agaric. Poisonous, yes, as well as psychotropic. One of those double edged swords! How did the ancient peoples figure out how to use these things in shamanic ritual? Eat these mushrooms and you'll get very, very sick. Hallucinations may follow. No thanks!

The coast features several rocky areas where spouts have been carved. They're just as regular as those Yellowstone geysers.
The Coquille River light house at Bandon was the final one that we visited. It has a 4th order lens (much smaller than the other two), since it's job was to guide ships into the river channel, not to assist ships far at sea.

The jetty at the light house extends quite a ways into the ocean. At the far end the final piece has separated from the rest and now slopes into the sea. Joanie wanted a picture of her on the jetty, so I waited until I saw a good sized wave coming. Spooked her a bit!

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