We did have some great weather coming down the coast, it wasn't all rainy. Pacific City has a great beach with large rock monoliths just off shore. They allow folks to drive on this beach. I passed. We watched one fellow who did drive onto the beach to haul out his boat. He winched it onto the trailer just fine. Unfortunately the wet sand was a little soft. The more boat he got on the trailer, the deeper his trailer wheels sunk into the sand. They quit sinking when the weight of the axle held them up. It was amusing to watch him try to pull it out with his Ford Explorer. It didn't even budge. I figure next time he'll put some planks under his trailer tires!

The Oregon Coast has an array of light houses that, at one time, cast an overlapping arc of coverage out to sea for up to 21 miles. At Cape Mears we began our lighthouse tours. Most were constructed more than 100 years ago using concentrating lenses made in France, shipped to the US and assembled on site. Cape Mears has a unique red and white lens. It's short since the head it sits on is already quite high above the sea.

Tillamook is cheese country! We did get some great local foods down this section of the coast, including some garlic spiced bree.

What does a mascot look like for a high school football team named the "Cheesemakers"? Any ideas?
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